Map of places named for Nicholas in Italy | Mappa dei luoghi intitolati a Nicholas in Italia
Within days of Nicholas being killed, Italian communities of all sizes, from some of the largest cities to small villages began to talk about naming places for him. Twenty-one years later, 121 have been identified: streets, schools, parks, squares, and one bridge, all over Italy. Please click on any tab for more information.
Please, if you have photos of the places, you can locate them better, or simply know of a place that is not on the map, write us at
Se avete foto dei luoghi, siete in grado di localizzarli con maggior precisione sulla mappa, o semplicemente conoscete un luogo che non è sulla mappa, potete scriverci a
This is my son, seven-year old Nicholas Green, of Bodega Bay, California, who was shot in an attempted carjacking in Italy while we were driving on the main road south from Naples on a family vacation. My wife, Maggie, and I donated his organs and corneas, which went to seven very sick Italians, four them teenagers. Two of the seven were going blind, all the others could have died at any time. In the next ten years, organ donation rates in Italy, which were then just about the lowest in Europe, tripled – a rate of increase no other country came close to – so that thousands of people are alive who would have died. All around the world his story brought people’s attention to the acute shortage of donated organs and became known as ‘The Nicholas Effect.’